Nutrition & Hydration

The purpose of this section is to provide educational information for athletes, parents and coaches on nutrition, hydration and safety for high school athletes. This material is intended for general educational purposes, and does not take the place of a physician, or serve as substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please consult your health care provider if you have questions about a serious illness or injury.


The most important part of sports nutrition is proper hydration. Every year athletes across the country die or become seriously ill from dehydration, a condition that can exist or be made worse by physical activity.

Mild dehydration is already present when the athlete begins to experience thirst. Moderate and severe dehydration can follow with little to no warning if immediate steps to rehydrate are not taken. The best way to prevent any type of dehydration is to replace fluids regularly. Water is the best fluid to consume to keep the body hydrated, but there are also other types of fluid replacements such as sports drinks that may be useful during activity.
Nutrition is an essential part of the health and fitness routine of the high school athlete.